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Ai Insurance Organization

Spray Foam Insurance

Ai Insurance Organization works with some of the best insurance providers for spray foam contractors and drywall installers of all shapes and sizes to provide coverage for a number of eventualities related to the construction industry.

Insurance for
Spray Foam Contractors

AI Insurance offers a one stop shop for your spray foam contractor insurance needs.

By partnering with our insuring partners we can tailor a specific spray foam insurance program for most spray foam contractors.

Our in-house Construction Insurance experts and support staff are quick to respond to service requests.

With local claims service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, we’ll be right there when you need us the most. Your claim will be dealt with quickly and with as little disruption to your business as possible. This will let you focus on what matters the most – your product and your customers.


General Liability Insurance

We have insurance markets to write general liability insurance coverage for spray foam contractors, spray foam insulation companies, even slab jacking and roofing companies too.


Commercial Auto Insurance

With access to over 50 insurance carriers and specialty insurers, we can shop around for the best insurance rates for trucks, trailer or other vehicles.


Surety Bonds

Our in-house Surety department can assist you in license and permit bonds, bid bonds, contractor and performance bonds.


Insurance Market Access

We have access to over 50 insurance carriers and specialty insurers.

Insurance For Demolition Contractors

Ai Insurance Organization has partnered with the leading insurance providers to offer Canadian construction contractors like you customized coverages and choice. We help spray foam contractors and drywall installers navigate the ever-changing industry so you can select the right coverages for your business, such as:

Get Certain
with Zach Rayner

Zachary Rayner is a ten-year insurance industry veteran with a background in commercial insurance as well as construction and contractors’ insurance.

Dealing with specific construction and home building insurance projects, Zach saw the pain faced by spray foam contractors in finding the proper insurance coverage, along with the necessary bonding and surety products required by many general contractors. Given the unique risks faced by spray foam installers, as well as the nature of their work and materials, the insurance needs required by spray foam contractors require a true insurance partner.

Zach is dedicated to educating himself on the spray foam industry and has become a true risk expert in the field. Given his strong background in contractors, surety, and bonding, Zach, and his team provide a full-service solution to your spray foam business insurance needs.

Zach is known to visit his clients on-site, getting to know them and their business not only to provide a comprehensive review of their insurance, but also to drive home the most important aspect of any business, relationships and trust.

Risk Management

Zach and his team can assist your spray foam business by providing a full-service insurance review, including commercial insurance coverages, bonding, and surety needs.

Even if you are insured, Zach can review your current policy coverage against the claim trends as well as current material costs in construction, to ensure your policies are providing true coverage and value.

He and his team will work with you 1-1, to develop a long-term business relationship centered on trust, transparency, and education of coverages and available insurance products that may fit your business.

Using a coverage-based approach, we can identify and correct coverage problem areas and properly insure your business. With deep experience in surety and bonding, we can provide a seamless experience across all insurance needs.


By reviewing your business and operations Zach and his team work with you to help reduce your overall business risk. Your business can take advantage of a number of programs including:

Ready to Get a

Spray Foam Contractor
Insurance Quote?

Start by filling in the form and Zach will be in touch shortly!

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