Elevator Contractors Insurance

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Ai Elevator Contractors Insurance protects contractors from liability exposure that may arise from third-party injuries or property damage.

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Elevator Contractors Liability Exposures

Elevator Contractors conduct business through installation, repairs, and maintenance that occurs either inside or outside of buildings at great heights. Since contractors are required to do regular maintenance checkups and repairs of the provided products, they are heavily invested with the Client and their operations.

Considering that Client expectations are at an all-time high, customers rush to point out acts of negligence or service failures. Even simple complaints can potentially turn into lawsuits.

As a result, Elevator Contractors may experience significant General Liability exposure arising from the installation and servicing operations of the equipment as these activities take place at the client’s location.

Elevator Contractors face high Professional Liability exposure due to the safety and service implications of the installation and servicing required for an elevator. In the case that an elevator installation or service has failed, it can result in death or large capital outflows that can seriously impact a company or lead to bankruptcy.

Insurance For Elevator Contractors

Ai Elevator Contractor Insurance is a highly specialized area of expertise, as it will protect you and your company from a variety of liability exposures.

The liability exposures include third-party injuries and property damage that was caused whilst employees were carrying out any maintenance, repair, or installations. In the case, that elevator parts or equipment provided by you are identified as defective or have led to bodily harm, Ai Elevator Contractor Insurance will cover the costs of the liability claims.

Ai Elevator Contractor Insurance strives to preserve and support all aspects of the Elevator Contracting company from liability exposure. Ai will work to cover all liability claim costs.

Contact an Ai Elevator Insurance Specialist to find the best possible coverage for you!

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